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Tricia Nordman
Age 26

Tricia was the sweetest, kindest person. Beautiful inside & out. She struggled with low self esteem. She was 5'11" tall, blonde, blue eyed.. Would turn everyone's head when she walked into a room.

Tricia married a high school football jock who's parents were addicted to meth & crank. She finally left & divorced him, but was so addicted to drugs. She got involved with another guy & they stole checks from the business account & the in-laws & stepfather pressed charges. She was incarcerated & was in a program for nonviolent offenders. She ended up in a co-ed restitution center in Las Vegas. She and another young man walked off the facility and became fugitives. They ended up in Indiana living with young man's friends, dealing drugs. The boyfriend & she were victim of violent crime in October, 2000.

Tricia had three (3) beautiful children

Just her being. Her presence. Her sweet spirit.


Just her being. Her presence. Her sweet spirit.

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Torin Verbeck
Age 27

Torin loved football, playing the guitar, and video games. He was the smartest person I knew, and excelled is anything he tried.. even when he wasn't trying.

His addiction is sometimes all I can remember of him, it lasted so long. He never wanted help, he was so stubborn, we never knew how to help. I will always regret now knowing how.

His family smiling. The Bills winning a game. Quentin Tarantino Movies.

His laugh. If you've heard his laugh once, you wouldn't forget it. It was loud, and obnoxious. It annoyed you if you didn't get the joke, but it was his and I loved it.


His laugh. If you've heard his laugh once, you wouldn't forget it. It was loud, and obnoxious. It annoyed you if you didn't get the joke, but it was his and I loved it.

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Therese Green
Age 29

Her son Bennett




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Terry Davidson
Age 24

Scooter was one of the funniest people you could ever meet. There was never a dull moment when he was around. He was always the life of the party who made everyone laugh.

Scooter started taking Lortab pain medication for recreational use. They then took over his life and became the death of him. People think that Lortabs are weak and they cannot hurt you. Scooter will proove them wrong.

His daughters and his Mother always put a smile on his face.

What's missed the most is how there was never a dull moment with him around, the fun times, his laugh...the World is for sure missing out on some great laughter with him gone.


What's missed the most is how there was never a dull moment with him around, the fun times, his laugh...the World is for sure missing out on some great laughter with him gone.

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Tammy Halland
Age 47

Tammy was very intelligent, getting straight A's through High School and College. Being her sister was always fun because she could sing, write, loved reading, and though she wasn't very demonstrative, she would show her love by acts of kindness often. She stayed with me when my husband and I had our first baby and helped out tremendously. I will never forget when I went into labor, she through her arms around me and kissed me - something so unlike her, but meant so much to me. Later in life, she had two children of her own, and I enjoyed watching her be an even better mother than I was. As an older sister, there is a unique relationship that forms and it becomes hard not to mother or get too nosy in a little sisters life. She always let me know if I was overprotective, and I learned to back away and let her make her own decisions. When her little boys needed shots, or appointments, or they needed to register for school, she got it all done in a very timely manner. I will never forget how raising them alone, she managed to save money to buy her first new furniture, which was a set of bunk beds for her boys. I was so proud of her. When we went to church she always had them ready for us to pick them up, and later she began to go to a church she liked and got her boys involved in any programs for them. I can't say enough about what a good responsible worker she was. Even with her boys in daycare, she would get up early to put a crockpot of food in the car in the middle of winter, get herself dressed and the boys and get them to daycare and her on to work where her co workers would enjoy her good cooking. I love and miss her terribly and holidays are hard. I also deal with guilt for not seeing red flags as time went by.

Tammy had a gastric bypass a few years before she had children. She ended up in a violent relationship, and ended it on her own, but started a new relationship with another person who was equally violent. She married him and I failed to see the signs of battered wife syndrome. There are so many changes that take place and many things happened to her, that I will never know and I have only heard what others witnessed. I heard only what she felt safe enough to share. She wanted to protect my family from being hurt, and by this time, she was affected so deeply, and after the police were involved following a crisis, we put her in a women's shelter. Various programs through the state helped her get into an apartment and she got a job right away. She went to counseling with her children and seemed to get back on her feet. Several things happened after this led to her addiction. First, she began to have problems associated with her gastric bypass. She struggled with it constantly and ended up in the hospital often. She was sent home with pain pills, and I believe she became addicted to them. I never saw her drink before, and one day she had a beer in her hand. I soon saw one all the time. She had a pasty white color to her, and I learned from others she had been hospitalized a couple times and she didn't tell me. I was heart broken and worried. I found out at a conference, that people with gastric bypass, are becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol and an alarming rate because the alcohol and drugs given to someone with a gastric bypass, causes problems with addiction. One beer is equal to three and one pill is equal to three, and hydrocodone is very addictive in a regular person. I believe my sister was well into her addiction before she even knew what was happening. Her shame kept her from sharing with me or anyone, and there was no one to intervene.

She smiled whenever she talked about her two boys. They are good boys who always loved her and did what they could for her. She smiled when something great happened in my life and loved to see me happy. She was loved by her co-workers who appreciated her good food and she always was happy to see other happy. What a generous sister she was.

I cry just thinking of her thoughtfulness and how hard she tried to make it on her own. I miss her phone calls to me where she would say "Hi, its just me." I miss how she would be instantly concerned if there were any problems I had and was my immediate protector, often calling me to find out if things got resolved. I was ten years older than her when she was born, and loved taking care of her. The void in my heart is never going to go away.


I cry just thinking of her thoughtfulness and how hard she tried to make it on her own. I miss her phone calls to me where she would say "Hi, its just me." I miss how she would be instantly concerned if there were any problems I had and was my immediate protector, often calling me to find out if things got resolved. I was ten years older than her when she was born, and loved taking care of her. The void in my heart is never going to go away.

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Steven Sexton
Age 20

Born 1956: Tommy was my younger brother that called me 1 hour before he committed suicide saying he loved me. He was having severe problems with drugs. Everyday day since his passing I think of him and really miss him. Please pass on, "WE" need to win this life changing battle. "UNITED WE STAND" is the game changer to addiction.

Tommy was a gifted musician at 10 years old, his career went from rags to riches in a very short time. He started doing drugs when he was 16 and when he went up the ladder of success his addiction intensified until he ended his life.

Banging his drums when Mom and Dad came home from work. Chasing me around the house. Eating all the sweets...

He simply had a heart of gold. We use to run together and he would try to trip me using drum sticks to slow me down. He would stumble most of the time, making us both laugh. A Real Good Brother, so life changing.


He simply had a heart of gold. We use to run together and he would try to trip me using drum sticks to slow me down. He would stumble most of the time, making us both laugh. A Real Good Brother, so life changing.

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Steven Brown
Age 29

My brother, Steve. My protector & entertainment growing up. He once got in to trouble riding on the back of a motorcycle, throwing water balloons at cars. Unfortunately, one went right in to the back seat of the car.....with the drivers child. I can hear him laughing as they sped away. He played the trombone beautifully & was offered a scholarship to any college in Wyoming. He chose to enlist in the army. Such a funny & soft heart.

I believe he began using early on. He drank and then became abussive. The cycle never stopped for him. Our father was an abussive alcoholic & taught Steve well. I know he hated himself because, in his sober moments, he was meek, gentle & loving.

Anything mischievous.

His whole self. I am an addict in recovery & I long for a family member to walk beside me. I know he would understand. My entire family is gone due to addiction......I miss them all.


His whole self. I am an addict in recovery & I long for a family member to walk beside me. I know he would understand. My entire family is gone due to addiction......I miss them all.

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Steven Bruser
Age 24

Steven was a warm, loving, talented young man. He loved to make people happy. He was in the top 4 in high school with the highest GPA score. His smile and his dimples were contagious. His laugh was genuine as was his love for his family. He left behind 2 beautiful children, a girl and a boy. He loved playing guitar either folk or electric, he had a talent that he was self taught. He wrote songs. He and his younger brother were very close, best friends. He was there when his mom was sick and took care of her. His friends all say, Steven was a great guy, a lot of fun and very caring.

He struggled with addiction to herion for the past 6 years. He had been in and out of rehab, in and out of jail. He would tell me he felt ashamed, that herion controlled him. That it was a love-hate relationship. He would say he wanted to quit, change his life. He said his addiction makes him steal, made him go to jail, made him lose his kids. Made him hurt his family. Before his death he was in jail because of it for four months, getting out 2 weeks before. Christmas. He saw his children twice, stayed with mom and dad., Then he went out with friends a couple times and the second time he didn't come back, instead I received a call from a detective from the Chicago police department. " Mrs. Bruser?" I answered yes, "We have your son, he was found......" And at that moment a part of my heart died

His children,his mom and he had a close relationship, loved talking, doing things together, just going on walks together, mom and he laughed a lot together. Being with his family.simple things, he loved spending guy time with Dad, shooting pool and going to flea markets or just talking. he loved downtown Chicago.

I miss his smile and dimples, his secure hugs, his always telling me "I love you more" when he would go out or over the phone. I miss all of him


I miss his smile and dimples, his secure hugs, his always telling me "I love you more" when he would go out or over the phone. I miss all of him

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Age 35

Shante was a beautiful seoul with a heart of gold! She turned heads wherever she went, and brought joy to anyone she came in contact with!

Her son Skylar and boyfriend James Palestin! Her daddy..who was her bestfriend!!!! All of her family and friends!!!!

I miss her BIG AND BOLD personality!!!! Her huge smile and her beautiful spirit!!!!


I miss her BIG AND BOLD personality!!!! Her huge smile and her beautiful spirit!!!!

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Scott Davenport
Age 37

Scott was a loving father, son and friend. He was super talented in songwriting and singing. He was full of so much knowledge whether it was useful or not. He loved to make corny jokes and learn anything new he could. He was full of life and had so much energy in him.

his struggle started when he was a teenager and continued from there He had been to treatments and would do good at times and then he would relapse. He finally moved this past year in 2014 to be close to his family and start over with a fresh start. He was doing so good, got a job and had plans to go back and finish his college degree this fall. He died March 7, 2015. The year drop down box did not show 2015 as an option. He was 38. I took him to work that Saturday after spending the whole day with him. Little did I know 6 hours later he would be gone from our lives forever. The temptation of heroin got the best of him. He was found in the bathroom at work laying on the floor barely breathing. CPR did not bring him back. What he thought he bought was heroin , was actually pure fentanyl and killed him instantly. His family, friends and me his girlfriend - our lives were changed and completely shattered within minutes. We do not understand how this could happen to such a great, handsome, charismatic loving man , so young. It's devastating.

his corny jokes made him smile. His daughter and his family made him smile. Being free and enjoying everything he could He was so OUTGOING! He kept us all on our toes

I miss seeing him everyday. Miss his voice and his corny jokes. I miss hearing him sing and play on the guitar. I miss watching Andy Griffith with him on Saturday nights and him make fun of me cause I'm 35 and go to bed early no matter the day. I miss his silly ways and all the goofy things he did and said. He is so loved and missed terribly every day.


I miss seeing him everyday. Miss his voice and his corny jokes. I miss hearing him sing and play on the guitar. I miss watching Andy Griffith with him on Saturday nights and him make fun of me cause I'm 35 and go to bed early no matter the day. I miss his silly ways and all the goofy things he did and said. He is so loved and missed terribly every day.

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Scott Freund
Age 20

Loving and caring person........ Who worked so hard to beat his addiction but at the end he was tired not just at his mental health issues, his addiction but also tired of hurting his family and friends who he loved so much and who loved him so much.

Started as a mental health (OCD) issues in 5th grade then as he got older a very complex, confusing and a tangled web of not one issue but multiple issues that didn't allow Scott to live a normal life. He tried so hard through wilderness program, rehab centers, AA meetings, finishing high school and going to college. He/We did everything possible. Our Christmas of 2009 we had our family back together again and how happy and full of love we all shared together. Scott was clean now for over three years trying to continue on the road to recovery and live the normal life he so much wanted. However mental health issues and the web of addiction caused Scott great angst and pain. We lost Scott just before his 21st birthday. In his letter to us he says "this is a choice that I have wanted for a long time now, even since I was a kid. The cause is unknown but it kills me everyday, there was nothing done wrong by anyone. To my family I love you guys so much and don't you forget it. I'll never forget the good times we had as a family. Words can't describe how horrible I feel everyday for putting such strain on all of our relationships. I love you guys so much. We Love You More (LUM) Scott and are so very proud of you for everything you had to go through and everything you did in the short time you where with us.

Being with family and friends and our vacations to the beach, skiing, going on cruises......

His love, smile are always with us. However to hold him to have him with our family to laugh with him to just talk with him and have him be able to have his own family he wanted so much. That is what we miss. He is with us but he's not with us.


His love, smile are always with us. However to hold him to have him with our family to laugh with him to just talk with him and have him be able to have his own family he wanted so much. That is what we miss. He is with us but he's not with us.

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Samuel Crabtree
Age 31

Sammy was my son's father. He was a carpenter by trade. Sammy had a good heart. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke it was deep or very funny. He had been known to give homeless people his food, and he loved animals. He struggled with addiction to alcohol for many years. He later became addicted to RX drugs. Sammy lost the battle at 32. Way too young. He never got to see his son grow up. RIP Sammy Crabtree. Forever in our hearts.

Sammy lost his father to a suicide when he was child. He began using alcohol very young. He became addicted to alcohol and had a lot of loss due to his alcoholism. Sammy had always dabbled with drugs, and eventually became addicted to meth and RX drugs. He lost the battle a month after his brother took his life due to his own addiction issues.

Sammy loved his son, animals, funny movies, and good friends.

I miss talking about our dreams for the future. I miss being able to pick up the phone and talk to him. Mostly I miss that he has not been able to be there for our son. My son missed out on having a father.


I miss talking about our dreams for the future. I miss being able to pick up the phone and talk to him. Mostly I miss that he has not been able to be there for our son. My son missed out on having a father.

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Ryan Lazier
Age 23

Ryan was a beautiful sensitive young man with big brown eyes, infectious smile, and heart of gold. Ryan loved to play soccer and was a big Pittsburgh Steeler fan. Ryan was his little brothers hero. We all miss Ryan so much.

Ryan's struggle began at about 13 years old. He started experimenting with marijuana and alcohol. Looking back this was an attempt to self medicate. As time went on Ryan progressed to prescription pain medication and onto injection of Heroin. We spent the last 4 years of Ryan's life trying to help him get well. Countless rehab centers and half way houses. Just before Ryan was to return to another rehab facility, for whatever reason, he decided to get high one more time. Ryan had no money and decided to try and grab a bag from his dealer. While trying to get away the drug dealer shot Ryan in the back of his head. Ryan died 4 days later.

Love made Ryan smile, little children made Ryan smile, his little brother Aiden always made Ryan smile. Two months before Ryan died his sister Nicole became engaged to JR and Ryan was so happy and had a huge smile on his face.

Ryan was my son. When you loose a child I think you miss everything about them. Its heartbreaking.


Ryan was my son. When you loose a child I think you miss everything about them. Its heartbreaking.

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Ryan Tinsley
Age 32

Ryan was intelligent, creative, sensitive, compassionate. He loved photography, the Grateful Dead, his laptop and his dog, Lexi. After an 18 year struggle against substance abuse God gave him refuge and took him home. Ryan and I shared a unique mother child relationship. We were best friends. He was insecure. He used to numb his feelings. I love him forever.

Ryan loved anything to do with nature, insects. I can't remember him smiling much the last couple years but he loved and smiled easily when he was younger.

I miss my best friend. I miss his culinary experiments and cookies. I miss his almost encyclopedic knowledge about anything. I miss his "I love you"s.


I miss my best friend. I miss his culinary experiments and cookies. I miss his almost encyclopedic knowledge about anything. I miss his "I love you"s.

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Age 48

Rodney was a musician, plumber, loved boyfriend and father.

Rodney was known to abuse cocaine and methamphetamine. He would get to low point and then leave his life for several days, get a motel and binge on his drug of choice.

Music and his children

His love of music and laughter.


His love of music and laughter.

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Robert Davis Jr
Age 30

Robert was a kind & gentle son. He enjoyed fishing & doing small engine repairs.

Robert was in recovery from a heroin addiction that began from percocets, when he relapsed, and his friends left him to die alone.

He was very close with his sister, and loved his nieces & nephew.

I miss our talks & his laughter. I miss every single thing about him.


I miss our talks & his laughter. I miss every single thing about him.

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Robert Price
Age 28

Robert turned 28 years old in September. Robert was a son, a grandson, a nephew, a brother, a cousin, an uncle, a father and a friend. Robert was a true handyman! He could do anything from fixing a car to painting to cooking dinner for his family. Robert loved staying busy and had many dreams for his future. Robert loved painting and wanted to open his own company someday. Roberts’s mother passed away in February of 2012. Robert had three little sisters who looked up to him. Robert met the love of his life in 2011 and was blessed with two beautiful boys; Braxton in 2012 and Bentley in 2015.

Robert was in a car accident in 2007. As his sister, I believe his addiction started after his body became immune to the pain medication his doctor was prescribing him. In 2009, Robert overdosed for the first time. Besides his “father” his family stuck by his side. We wanted him to get better and he wanted to get better too. Robert attended a detox program and when he got out we attended meetings with him. As his sister, I remember the meetings were everyday and each night was a different meeting. Robert was clean for a few months and then relapsed again. As his family, we held an intervention and explained how we all felt. Robert tried again to overcome his addiction. Robert relapsed and overdosed many times but he would try again to overcome his addiction. Roberts’s addiction became so bad that he would do whatever it took to get high; even if that meant stealing from his loved ones. As his family; we knew the drug was making him do this and this was not our Robert. Robert went to prison and earned his high school diploma. When he was out of prison, it was difficult for him to find a job therefore, he decided to attend college. Robert set goals for himself that he wanted to accomplish for his children. Robert lost his battle to overcome this addiction too soon and he deserved one more chance.

I could go on for days about what made Robert smile. Robert met a girl named Nicole in 2011. When Robert talked about her or looked at her picture, he would smile. Robert knew from the moment he met her that he loved her. Robert used to tell me “Mant, she wears Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch; you are going to love her! She is so cute and so small!” Robert had two beautiful little boys; Braxton and Bentley who were everything in the world to him. Robert was always talking about things he did with them and what he wanted to do with them. Robert was so proud of anything the boys did during the day. Robert loved helping other people. When he didn’t have a job, he repainted our Nanna and Papas house and would smile at anyone that commented on the work he had done. He would smile when they would brag to other people about how hard he had worked. Robert smiled about his pony tail and his beard, he knew he was so handsome and smiled when anyone said it.

I miss everything about Robert. I miss his smile, his laugh, his text messages, his voice mails and how he always knew what to say. I miss his voice more than anything in the world. I miss his comforting words and his hugs and kisses. I miss him more than anyone will ever know.


I miss everything about Robert. I miss his smile, his laugh, his text messages, his voice mails and how he always knew what to say. I miss his voice more than anything in the world. I miss his comforting words and his hugs and kisses. I miss him more than anyone will ever know.

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Richard Celiberti
Age 19

My son Richie was an amazing boy...always loving and kind...he was a great son, brother and friend...his smile was contagious...He was so loved by me and his sister Alissa ...his passion was fishing for tuna and shark..he was good at anything he put his mind to...he had a wonderful sense of humor...very funny..he would had people laughing for hours...willing to please...known for his Richie hugs.....very loved and respect by all...he was the best son a mother could have....I missed him each and everyday!!!

We'll not realizing my son was hard on himself...always trying to be the best...his mind ever rested...being diagnosed having OCD when I picked up something was was getting tougher for him to hide his intrusive thinking..he started smoking weed...surprised cause he was a health kid who eat correctly and worked out...not knowing he was trying to numb his pain...I was to say the lest surprised...after awhile it lead to smoking crack...the bait in the trap...he was now full of guilt and understanding his own choices....Richie went to rehab 8 times in one year...this disease took him in sixteen months of use....left the veritable villa April 20 2005 and past away in his sleep on the 26th ....I have had 3 fund raisers in 2006 2007 And 2008 to help parents and addicts with the cost of private companies have to change their policies of 28 day stay once a year....God bless all of you...I would love to help in anyway I can...

Richie always and friends...and definitely catching fish.....

His kindness...we were so close...if Richie and I were in the same room you could bet his arms were around my neck...hugging me...


His kindness...we were so close...if Richie and I were in the same room you could bet his arms were around my neck...hugging me...

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Richard Kuhlenschmidt
Age 33

Richard was a loving husband, son, father, brother, his boys were his whole life.

His family made him smile all the time.

We miss EVERYTHING about RIchard


We miss EVERYTHING about RIchard

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