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Ray A Bauer

Age 38
Humorous, loving, a good heart
Ray Bauer
Age 38

My son had an awesome sense of humor, and he could make you laugh a lot. He loved music and in his earlier days he was a DJ and got to meet a few artists. His biggest hero (singing) was Tupac. Now, when I listen to a few of his songs I can understand why. He had a huge love of all Philly sports and, working at Wells Fargo, he was able to meet a few of the players. His father took his life in 2010, which is the root of when/why his addiction spiraled. He was in five rehabs, a crisis center, then OD'ed on his 36th birthday, and was in recovery houses. He was two weeks shy of his one year sober anniversary. So many unanswered questions I’ll never have the answers to. I miss him terribly. This past year, he was the best he had been in years of recovery, had a sponsor and much support, and even chaired meetings and went back to talk to the parents at one of the rehabs he had been in. It seems like yesterday and other times like 100 years ago. I pray in some way I am able to help at least one person in his memory.

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Timothy Lee
Age 31
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Brodie Allen DePew

Age 36
Stay sober! Reach out to others.
Brodie  DePew
Age 36

My Son died of a Fentanyl Drug Overdose. My husband and I found him. It was already too late! I love and miss my Son very much. Of all the things I could say, I struggle with where my Son is spending Eternity. If He could come back and say anything, I believe He would say, "Please don’t go back to doing drugs, speak to someone, reach out, drugs are not worth your life!" Our saying to all our family is LUMI ( love you mean it). I will love you even in death my Son!

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Katie Lee Thomas

Age 21
Unforgettable love
Katie  Thomas
Age 21

Katie loved everyone, she had a heart for special needs and animals. She loved to sparkle. You never saw her when she wasn’t all put together. Her son was her heart and her sisters were her best friends. She was my wild child 💜

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Donald J Hahn 111

Age 32
Donald Hahn 111
Age 32

My son struggled with addiction for a long time starting with alcohol. After having an accident that had him in hospital for 2 1/2 months, with 14 surgeries on his arm, he was put on pain meds. This snowballed into Heroin and Fentanyl that took his life. I miss my son every second of every day and night! He was my purpose in life, he was my everything!

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Ned Matthew Felici JR

Age 25
Loved by all
Ned Felici JR
Age 25

Ned was loved by everyone in his life, He had a great personality that touched everyone who came across him. Ned battled addiction for 7 long hard years and in those 7 years, he was a fighter/ warrior. Ned may have lost his battle to this disease but his family is so proud of him for the fight he gave it. Ned was so much more then his addiction, addiction never defined him! He was an amazing son, a loving father, a true big brother, a loved grandson and a solid friend. His name will live on through his son and his life will live on in our hearts.

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Brandon (BUBBA) Dean Butler

Age 29
Loving, whitty, smart, caring, loyal
Brandon (BUBBA) Butler
Age 29

My Son Bubba was a gift from God. Everyone loves him and still does. He can make anyone SMILE or laugh. He gives the greatest hugs. Bubba was 6'5 485lb. He was a Teddy bear. He hated bullies and didn't care who it was he'd stop bullying on SIGHT... If you couldn't be nice then leave. He would take your pain away. But he couldn't take his own pain away. I was resting when he brought my car back. He put the key on the dresser and said "I'm a good son mom, look I brought the car back." Something kept screaming in my ear "get up something is wrong" but I just kept ignoring it. All of a sudden I set straight up in bed, but I didn't know how or why. So I listened and I didn't hear anything so I went back to sleep. When I got up about an he later I found him dead on his floor. An OD. I miss him terribly. But I had him for 29 yrs. Thank you God for that. God Bless you All. RIP

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Alyssa Meredith Freeman

Age 28
My Daughter My Best Friend
Alyssa Freeman
Age 28

A Beautiful soul gone too soon. Her smile lit up a room. She will be Forever Missed And Always in our Hearts.

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Matthew Kegler

Age 33
Brother, Father, Hard Working Man
Age 33

One of the best fisherman around. He loved working with his hands, always had a new project in the garage. His smile lit up the room because so many of us loved him dearly. I wish he would have believed that, he'd still be here today. Addiction and depression steals the souls from the ones we love. I just want to remember him as my brother and my best friend. Watching him with his kids made me one of the proudest sisters around. I truly looked up to him. I never saw it coming. He was gone before I could fight for him.

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Tompall Butte

Age 38
My love
Tompall  Butte
Age 38

This place is just not the same without you. I am so lost without you. I wished you knew how much you were needed here. I wished you knew how much I love you.
Days turned into night. Weeks have turned into months and months have turned into years.
You're never coming back.......

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Robert John Celona Jr.

Age 28
He was my loving son
Robert Celona Jr.
Age 28

My son struggled with addiction he tried to overcome so many times. He was also my son, a father to 2 children, Stella and JR, whom he adored. He was also a brother, cousin, nephew and had many friends I’ll miss him forever❤️

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Jason Thomas Reilly

Age 32
Light heated, helpful and loving
Jason Reilly
Age 32

My oldest sisters son.. from 9th grade until the day he was taken from us by overdose, he struggled... In and out of rehab... I myself have been clean for almost 15 years.. and I tried so hard to lead him on the right path.. He left behind 2 sons, they are 13 and 14 now.. The 13 year old witnessed his dad high and unconscious while he had the kid in the car with him.. Parked under a train tressel in Brooklyn.. The kid sat there for hours trying to wake my nephew up... Needless to say he had a very hard time seeing his boys after that.. The last year of his life was the worst.. He had Easter dinner with us and he disappeared into the dark streets of Manhattan for almost a year to the day.. My mom, his Nanny reached out to him a few months before he passes. She asked him.. what are you doing with your life? He replied Nanny I love my life.. I don't want to stop getting high... His funeral was a few months later... My Jay.. RIP..

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Michael Patrick Casertano Jr.

Age 24
Big Heart, Kind, Smart, Son, Brother.
Michael  Casertano Jr.
Age 24

I miss him everyday. I do not want his death to define who he was. He hated being addicted. We tried several times to get help, I feel the system failed us. He was loved by many. I want to remember him as he truly was, a kind-hearted soul. I love you!!!! MOM

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John Thomason

Age 40
Husband, Father, Heart of Gold
John Thomason
Age 40

John was an amazing husband and father. He had a heart of gold, could always make you laugh, would do anything to help anyone, and loved so deeply. He brought so much joy to my life and shared with me a love that I never felt before. I will miss him tremendously but I will be forever grateful for the time that we had together. I hope to share the amazing qualities of his character with others as my life goes on. I will always love him and my heart will always have a void that he once filled. Each time that my heart breaks I will try to fill it with the joy from one of my many amazing memories that we made together.

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Joey (Joseph) Allen Hamer Jr.

Age 34
Smiles, laughter, love, and music
Joey (Joseph)  Hamer Jr.
Age 34

Joey, my first born, dabbled with drugs in his younger years, but seemed to have conquered the demon and was responsible, being a long distance truck driver. I don’t know why, or what happened that made him seek out the substance that killed him, but I know this world has lost a shining soul that exhibited love and laughter everywhere he went! Joey was funny and loved music, playing in several local bands from his teen years to recently. He taught himself to play guitar at 11 years old by sheer persistence, and he was good!!! He has left behind a mass of people who love and miss him. Our lives will never be the same. Rest In Peace my Beautiful Boy 💔

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Joshua Joseph Payne

Age 22
Brother Father, caring always thinking of others.
Joshua Payne
Age 22

Josh was always trying to make people laugh. A very kind soul who loved his family very much. His struggles with life were trying to get ahead with a child to support at 20 years old. His experimentation with drugs took him to another level of no return. He was very loved by many!

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Danny Russell Witten Jr

Age 35
Loyal, loving, dedicated father.
Danny Witten Jr
Age 35

Danny was the type of person that was loved by everyone who crossed paths with him. He never met a stranger. He had the biggest heart, the kindest soul.

One summer Danny and I worked for a party rental company. He was soon banned from working any of the game booths because he just couldn't let a single child walk away without a prize. That was Danny's heart. Danny was the guy who always bought painted rocks from the kids in the neighborhood, and then displayed them proudly on our entertainment stand. He loved people, especially kids. Probably because he was a big kid himself. He was the best father. The absolute best. One year we showed up for our oldest daughter's Christmas party unaware that siblings couldn't attend. Danny took our youngest and hugged our daughter. We assumed he was going home until there was a knock on the classroom window. He stood outside the opened window, and actively participated for the entire 3-hour party while our then 2-year-old played in the grass. He was THE BEST dad.

Danny struggled with addiction for 20 years. He was the bravest, strongest, most determined person I've ever known - but this was the one thing he just couldn't beat.

Danny was the definition of loyal. He was faithfully loyal to his family, his children and to me. He put us first above everything and anything. But heroin often got in his way. Danny didn't want to be an addict. When I met him, all the fun and enjoyment of being high was already long in the past. Danny fought hard against his addiction. I know without a doubt that if he could be here today he would.

Addiction took Danny from his family. It took him from countless people whose lives he touched. Danny was a soul that had more love for others than for himself. He was a soul that was broken. And addiction took notice of that. Addiction saw the voids, the broken pieces and it snaked its way in through the cracks. And once it filled those cracks, like cement it hardened. No matter how hard Danny chiseled away at it, it stuck. Eventually, it spread and consumed the kindest, most loyal, most amazing person I've ever met.

Someone said to me in the days following Danny's death, "I just hate it when addiction wins." I resent that statement. Addiction didn't win. It can't. I won't allow it. I will fight this disease until my last breath. I will share Danny's story. I will reach out to others the way Danny did. I will carry on his love, his kindness. I will carry on his fight. Because the only way it truly wins is when we surrender the fight.

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Geron Dale Birmingham

Age 46
A hero who is missed
Geron Birmingham
Age 46

Geron was an only child. He could charm anyone with jokes and his ability to built anything or fix anything always amazed all. He raced dirt bikes cross country, loved fishing, hunting but his true love was his kids and me (his wife). He battled bipolar disorder, and to deal with his pain he drank and used drugs. He kicked the drugs but the alcohol had a hold of him. We divorced because of drinking: I loved him, he loved me and he deeply loved his kids. He needed to love himself. Alcohol loved him more. We remember to laughs and lessons he taught us all and we miss his deeply. His kids: Ryan, Lane, and Erika are finding their way with their dad watching from above. Every day we are proud to keep fighting and helping others in any way that our faith allows us to. We miss you, Geron. YOU MATTER!

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Chelsea Marie Birmingham

Age 26
Dearest daughter my Chel
Chelsea  Birmingham
Age 26

Sweetest caring and giving with all her being. Got caught in a trap that no one should need to try to escape from. 
I love and miss you terribly Chelsea.

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Joshua Kevin Frohich

Age 26
black gives way to blue
Age 26

One that is remembered, never dies.

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