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Vincent "Limey" White

Age 46
Father, musician, talented, loving
Vincent  White
Age 46

Vincent died suddenly in his home in Bellmawr, NJ, on October 19, 2017. He was born October 30, 1970 in Chertsey, England. Vincent was best known as the drummer for Moonseed. He was affectionately known as "Limey". He is survived by his father Dudley, brother Lee, sister Suzanne, fiance Karen Marie, and their daughter Rhythm Jacqueline. Vincent was well versed in many aspects of music. He played multiple instruments and was also skilled in video production, recording, promoting, and mixing. Vincent will sadly be missed and his legacy will live forever in his music. 

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Amanda Lynn Goodwin

Age 35
Daughter, mother, sister. She loved her children so much.
Age 35

Going to miss her beautiful smile this Christmas

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Courtney Jean Layton

Age 23
Her smile lit up a room
Courtney  Layton
Age 23

My daughter and friend.
Gone, but never forgotten
Always. Momma

My daughter was taken very quickly, by using heroin with her boyfriend. I didn’t have to go through the addiction with her because heroin stole her life right away.
So now I tell people, it only takes once. Please please do not even “try” heroin, it could be your first and LAST time.
Heroin destroyed more than my life, for 3 months later her boyfriend took his own life from the guilt he felt.
Heroin is an equal opportunity destroyer.
COURTNEY was so beautiful Inside and out. She made an impact on many lives and continues to do so. You can read more about my daughter’s life on the Facebook page I set up called
“Heroin Recovery-For the Love of Courtney”

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Brandon William Storms

Age 29
Beloved son, brother, and friend
Brandon Storms
Age 29

Brandon was one of the most selfless people you would ever meet. He was a business owner and an amazing young man with a heart of gold. He would do anything for anyone, but was unable to help himself with his own addiction. This horrible disease took the life of my amazing, beautiful son. Brandon is missed dearly by his family and friends. His death has left such an indescribable hole in my heart.

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Whitney Faye Burgoon

Age 28
Beautiful, funny, heart of gold, sister, daughter
Whitney Burgoon
Age 28

Whitney struggled with addiction for close to 10 years. It started out as just smoking marijuana daily to eventually smoking methamphetamines. Being a type one diabetic, this obviously wasn’t good on her health. Having easy access to needles, she turned to intravenous use after several years. In 2012, she gave birth to her son Abel. This was the chance for her to finally turn her life around. He ended up having hydrocephalus and passed away in her arms at 15 months old. This ultimately led her to use harder than ever before. After his death, she and the father broke up and she got into a new relationship. They were pretty toxic for each other, but at least he kept her alive. She was finally happy again. She had several miscarriages throughout the following years and would always end up relapsing. She just wanted to be a mother and couldn’t understand why she couldn’t carry a healthy child. A week before her death, she ended up having her third miscarriage. She thought because she had been sober off and on for over a year that maybe this time would be different. I truly believe this is what led her to shooting up so much that it made her overdose. She was in so much pain. Her death certificate will always say methamphetamines intoxication, but it seems like drug use suicide to me. She is my only full blooded sibling. Even though I love my other siblings, her and I share a bond unlike any other. A few months before she passed away, I started working at an outpatient substance use treatment center. A month before she passed, I started college courses to obtain my bachelors degree in addiction counseling. All these life events I started before she passed was just me trying to better my life and future. Now, it’s become a passion of mine. I couldn’t save her, but I’m going to help other people like her before it is too late. No other family deserves to feel this pain and suffering.

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Christopher J. Conner

Age 32
Son, brother and father
Christopher  Conner
Age 32
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Josh Sopoci

Age 32
Loving, Beloved, Artistic, Talented, Strong
Age 32

We lost my daughters father to this demon drug. He gave it his best and fought LONG and HARD. Tragically, it still got the best of him. Leaving behind my daughter as well as her three half brothers without a father. God only takes the best. "All Struggles End One Day"...RIP Joshua Lee Sopoci AKA "Aseone"...We will FOREVER miss and love you dearly.

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Derek Ryan Townsend

Age 28
Loyal friend
Age 28

A loving son, brother, father, and loyal friend, who could make anybody laugh. Derek truly brought joy to my life as his mother, and to anyone's life he touched. Miss you my sweet angel. RIP my son.

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Michael Leitner

Age 41
Caring, genuine, boyfriend, father, son
Age 41

Michael was a gentle giant with a heart of gold. He was a lover of all things art but his true passion was creating music.

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Christopher Lee Miller

Age 46
Son, Father, Brother, Loved, Funny
Age 46

My brother Chris was always trying to get a laugh out of you. He was so funny and always had this mischievous sideways smile that could light up a room. He loved animals and being around people. He had a huge heart and would try to protect those he loved. His best friend was my oldest brother and they shared such a special bond. He also loved his daughter dearly and I know he tried to be the best father he could be. He battled addiction for decades and was in and out of rehabs for most of his life. I can only hope and pray now that his torment is over and his soul has been set free. I imagine him in heaven with Jesus' arms around him taking away all of his pain. He will be forever missed and never forgotten and will live forever in our hearts.

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Richie Dale Sherman lll

Age 34
Our family rock
Richie Sherman lll
Age 34

Our family rock! He was the oldest of us four. The big brother that was good at everything and the one who held everything together! For the life he lived was totally unbelievable to the ones closest to him. Never in a million years did I think his life would go the way it did. A struggle for five years with addiction. He was more than the life he was living and I wish the ones who took this man from our family knew exactly what they took: A father, a son, a brother, a nephew, and a grandson. Our family is completely shattered by this loss!

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Taylor Gray

Age 27
Funny Loving Polite Smart Inquisitive
Taylor Gray
Age 27

Taylor had a chrasmatic personality with his smile and sparkle in those beautiful blue eyes. His love and friendship were for a lifetime. Taylor worked HVAC & electrical, he was an artist, who also snorkeled and fished. He played ice hockey 10+ years along with volunteering coaching. 2015 his life changed in a way we never expected when he was introduced to heroin. Rehab after rehab, sober in between each rehab. I wasn’t giving up on my baby, my son, so we continued the battle. The battle that was bigger than me.
God took Taylor, and in exchange gave us a grandson, his son, who is now seven months. Grief heavier than I ever imagined. I pray he is at peace as that is the only way I can have peace of mind. RIP sweet boy, son, brother, father. We love & miss you.

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Theresa “Tree” McIntire

Age 46
Kind, generous, loving, very funny
Theresa  McIntire
Age 46

My baby sister died on August 19, 2019.
She purchased a Percocet from a supposed friend to relive pain from a constant toothache. It wasn’t Percocet though. It was fentanyl. My sister died within minutes ... alone, scared.
My family lost its rock...Theresa kept us together as a family after my mom passed from cancer. We lost a sister, daughter, and mother to two amazing kids over a $5 opioid pill that killed her. I will never be able to make sense of this.

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Scot Duffy Baker

Age 27
Kind, caring, compassionate, loving, funny
Scot Baker
Age 27

My son Scot could light up a room with his smile. He was the funniest, kindest, most caring guy around. Until substance use hijacked his life. He struggled for years. The five months before he passed he was sober. We had our beautiful son and brother back. Why he chose to pick up we will never know. What I do know is I am forever grateful for my boy and the years we had together. Because of Scot we started S.O.A.R.S. Substance Overdose Awareness Recovery Services. We hold weekly grief support for the far too many loved ones left behind. We hold an annual SCOTTY B OVERDOSE AWARENESS DAY. Because if Scot were here today, I believe he would be standing beside us helping those still struggling and their families. I know that through the loss of Scot I have found my purpose in life. My hope is to spend the rest of my life being the kind, compassionate, caring person that my son Scot Baker was. Until we meet again, I will honor my beautiful boy.

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Marc Steven Allen

Age 19
Tall handsome funny loving first born
Marc Allen
Age 19

Marc was my first born and a sweetheart of a person who loved his son, siblings, and family. He just got engaged and wasn't treating his bipolar. He had no program and picked up again. My son was my best friend as I gave birth to him at 16 years old. He himself became a great father at 15 years old and his son is now 21. Marc loved the Eagles and had no problem with working hard. A heart of gold and a loving person who couldn't wait to be 20 years old when he was served a bad dose. He had irreversible brain damage and no quality of life so we pulled the plug eight days later never. We will we be the same. Merry Christmas Son. He loved Christmas also.

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Mark Duchemin

Age 35
Loved all unconditionally
Mark Duchemin
Age 35

My dear son fought battles since the day he was born 14 weeks premature. 1 lb. 12 oz. Born way too early, for unknown reasons. Struggled with school. Fought and survived stage four testicular cancer at age 19. Doctors were amazed. Fought the battle of addiction for 15 years, with the last three years doing so well. You were a fighter and a survivor and taught us all so much about life. You were stolen from us, and our hearts are so broken. We all love you so much and miss you immensely. Love, Mom

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Samantha Renee Bowe

Age 20
Samantha  Bowe
Age 20

Loving, thoughtful, loves family and animals!!!

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Stephen Vincent DeCarlo

Age 46
Father, friend, huge heart
Stephen  DeCarlo
Age 46

Steve had the greatest smile, and could light up a room. He never passed up a chance to help someone in need and absolutely loved to make people laugh. I will miss him every minute of every day, from now until we meet again.

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Dennis Charles Maxwell SR

Age 54
Dennis Maxwell SR
Age 54


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Cierra Brianna Otto

Age 23
Beautiful, smart, loving, and loved!
Cierra  Otto
Age 23

Cierra loved school, loved working.
Energetic. Loved sports, dance.
She had many friends, always stuck up for the underdog.
Unfortunately, she was introduced to heroin and never overcame it.
My family is devastated.
She was my daughter.

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