'Tis the Season for Sobriety

Holly Jespersen
The holiday season can be challenging for people in recovery. Shatterproof's Senior Communications Manager, Holly Jespersen, offers her top tips for surviving — and even enjoying — the season.
  • Talk to your sober network often. Make it a priority to see your people!
  • Meditation. It always helps to clear my mind and re-focus. Even simple breathing helps calm down my anxiety.
  • Have an exit plan from parties. Park where you can easily get out, have people to call if you need to, bookend the event so you have an excuse to leave if you feel you need one.
  • If you feel sad or lonely, think about the people who matter to you and how you are not alone.
  • Think through the drink if you are tempted or in self-pity—think about where it will take you.
  • Remember that feelings are not facts.
  • Go to your support group meetings on holidays, and often during the holiday season.
  • Don’t listen to the lies you tell yourself. Everyone else is not having the fabulous time you are having. Don’t compare your insides to others outsides.

Originally published in 2017.

Women in a support group

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