Another Mother's Day Without My Daughter

Debbie Williams
Dear Jessica,
It is so hard to believe this is the second Mother's Day I will spend without your beautiful smile and wonderful hugs. My heart hurts from missing you so much, but I am comforted by the many awesome memories we made together.
Shatterproof Ambassador Debbie with her children
My favorite Mothers' Day is from when you were six.  You were so cute with your missing tooth! It was early in the morning and I could hear Andrea, Cris, and you making a huge racket! I started to get up, but was given strict instructions to "stay in bed." I knew I was in a for a treat.
I waited patiently and soon the three of you tramped upstairs with a tray of breakfast food decorated with a rose from our yard. My gourmet meal consisted of scrambled eggs, toast, and orange juice. You encouraged me to try the eggs. As I tasted my eggs, my first thought was: These are the best crunchy scrambled eggs I have ever eaten. Yes... I ate every bite! You were so proud, and I had never felt so loved.
Shatterproof Ambassador Debbie with her daughter Jessica
I miss you so much, Baby Girl. Not a day goes by that I don't shed a tear, but I also smile and laugh at a memory. I am so thankful for the time we had together. I know we both wish it had been longer, but I know you tried the best that you could. That's all a mother can ask. 
I love you, Jessica Mae. I will see you again someday. Until then, I will continue to live on with the beloved memories of your love not only for me but for so many others. I will always be your "Mama Bear."
Rest peacefully my dear daughter,
Debbie Cope Williams
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