Travis Michael Hunter

,Brother,Father Heart of Gold
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What Travis was like

Travis loved his family more than anything. His 2 Sons, his sister and 4 brothers and his Mom and Dad. We miss him so much. Taken from his family by fentanyl poisoning.

Fondest memories of Travis

All the years of school and church activities. 20 years of competitive swimming. So many great trips to so many states and cities. After graduating he coached soccer and swimming. He also had a passion for playing basketball with his friends and family. So many good memories.

How Travis will be missed

His laugh and his hugs. Just seeing him happy made me happy. His awesome text messages would instantly bring a smile to your face. He had such a positive attitude towards life.

How Travis will be remembered

As a Father, a brother and a Son that loved his family deeply. He had a heart of Gold.!