Terry LEE Pennington
What Terry was like
He was mine and my husband's ride or die partner, no matter how bad things got with his addiction, he was always there to help us when we needed him. Life without him has been so very hard. I can't count the times we have said we need his help today.
Fondest memories of Terry
Him being so excited about doing firewood business with his dad, he would work his job all day and the two of them would bust wood all evening, we would have a big fire to keep us warm and I always had dinner for the five of us. Him his wife,son and us.I will forever cherish those moments and his love he gave so much of. He and his wife bought our rental property so they could live next door to us, and their son Austin could grow up with us there. #builtinbabysitter😉😁😢💯
How Terry will be missed
He would run in and out of our house all hours of the day, he would often grab a grocery sack and shop while he was here, and almost every morning I would hear him in the kitchen getting something to drink before work. As soon as he got home here he came for some time over dinner, because his wife worked until 6:30. When he past away not hearing that door open and close all hours of the day and night was heart wrenching. Then his wife moved away, so thankful she has kept the house for Austin.
How Terry will be remembered
Happy go lucky life of any party, hard worker. Early morning rising, would just on adventure any time. Loved his childhood girl friend they met when he was 12 and she was 10, they grew up got married and had a beautiful son. The year he lost his real father who had never been a big part of his life, they had began to build a relationship and then he died of massive heart attack, broken hearted and shock took him down a very wrong road it took him years to come back from, but the addiction 😢😢💯