Shannon Wilson McGregor
What Shannon was like
Shannon was an incredible person with a heart of gold and a Copenhagen smile. His laugh was contagious. He would offer anyone the shirt off his back, and he never met a stranger. The best big brother a girl could ask for.
Fondest memories of Shannon
His niece was 3 and really loved Monster High dolls. McDonald's had a series of Monster High toys in the kids meals and she had all of them but 1. Shannon called all the area McDonald's, asking for this one toy, and didn't stop until he found it. He surprised her with the entire display of all of the toys and made her day.
How Shannon will be missed
That smile. That laugh. Him calling me his little "sissy". The phone calls that, when he was sober, would last for hours. The surprise visits and calls.
How Shannon will be remembered
I work in mental health, and run a 28-day inpatient substance abuse program. My husband and I also have 4 sober living homes for men. I will forever carry him with me as I work to help others fight their addictions, and share his story, to help them, where he could not find the strength to overcome. His name will be carried within me forever.