Keith M Short

Brother & Best friend
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What Keith was like

Keith was one of the smartest people I knew and yet he made me feel intelligent. Even after the love of his life transitioned 4 years before him he taught me to always give and be open to Love.

Fondest memories of Keith

On our first meeting he asked where I was from."Alabama", I replied, to Which Keith responded,"You're a Bama, a real life Bama" and begin to laugh hysterically.

How Keith will be missed

I miss being about to talk about any and everything without fear of being judged.I miss his voice and the way he spoiled my cat Ronni, she could go to Uncle Keith's house and do anything, and be everywhere and he feed her constantly.

How Keith will be remembered

As a political warrior who tried to educated as many people of color in the short time he was gifted to us.