Josi Clair Salvatori

Beautiful heart and soul.
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What Josi was like

Jo Jo lit up a room with her beautiful smile and could make you laugh. She was an an amazing friend to my kid and like a daughter to me.

Fondest memories of Josi

Her smile, laughter and how she always had away of making you laugh.

How Josi will be missed

Words cannot even express what I and Max will miss about you. I will mostly miss your smile as it had a way of erasing any bad day. I’ll miss your mis matched socks that drove me crazy. lol But mostly miss the words “ piddle pocket.”

How Josi will be remembered

That you’re safe and sound. That even though your not physically with us, your with us in spirit and in are hearts.
That when you think of JoJo you don’t focus on her loss but what her life brought to yours. A life of love, laughter and memories that will be in our hearts for a life time. 🩷💚