Jamie Reynolds
What Jamie was like
Jamie was a purely kind and generous soul who had most recently found his calling as an EMT and medical scribe. At the time of his death, he was in the process of applying to med school.
Fondest memories of Jamie
A “New Yorker”–caliber editor when we met in February 2002, Jamie was hyperintellectual with a crackling wit. Often bedecked in a bow tie and always bespectacled, he was a debonairly charming man. Jamie was my most precious friend and a big brother. Of his myriad talents, he wrote beautifully. He taught me how to copy edit—and how to love unconditionally.
How Jamie will be missed
When Jamie began to realize his best self—and he did on so many occasions, for extended periods of time—it was only a close second to realizing mine.
How Jamie will be remembered
Per his request, I scattered Jamie’s ashes on the Hudson River upstate. You can remember him any- and everywhere the most brilliant light boogies down on the surface of the water.