Ian Nicholas-Gunnar Nelson
What Ian was like
Ian was such a bright light. His personality was great. He had a sense of humor that could make anyone laugh. You could never stay mad at Ian, he had a way of making you love him. He was such a humble person and he had a huge heart. Ian loved us.
Fondest memories of Ian
I have alot of "favorite" memories of Ian. We would be in the store together and he would just start dancing and then get me to join in and we had such a good time. Ian was a great brother and uncle too. He took his nephew Jayce everywhere..."hey mom...why do you think I meet all these girls? Jayce is a little chick magnet". Jayce misses his uncle so very much....he tries to be just like him. Ian never got to meet the niece he wanted to spoil but she was named "Ianella" after her uncle.
How Ian will be missed
I miss Ian's smile and his goofy laugh(he got that from me). I miss his smell- he smelled so good. I will miss his little pranks and him punching my butt in public making people think I am a cougar...lol. I miss his gentleness and the conversations that we used to have when he felt down.
I will miss out on grandchildren from him because he would have been such a great father. I miss listening to music and dancing with him. I miss my mama's boy.
How Ian will be remembered
I would like Ian to be remembered as a big hearted person and the best friend that you could ever have. When Ian loved, he loves hard. I want Ian to be remembered for the beautiful person he was. I want Ian to be remembered as the kid, whose mother started a nonprofit because of him and so many others that no longer have a voice. I will speak for my son as you speak for yours. I want Ian to be remembered as a true blessing.