Destinee Faith Bulosan
What Destinee was like
Destinee was so Beautiful, smart and so artistic. she was so loving, caring & nurturing. She was the best big sister she was always eager to help anyone in need. she made me a very proud Single parent
Fondest memories of Destinee
Her singing to her little sister Delilah.
"Hey there Delilah"
Destinee started singing that song to her sister just days after I brought Delilah home from the hospital after she was born.
How Destinee will be missed
I miss everything about her. I miss her voice, her laugh, her personality
her sense of humor. She was so beautiful I was so proud and I couldn't wait to see the great things she would have done for this world as an adult. She had so much to offer she would have been her game changer that's for sure if she would have made it to her adult life
How Destinee will be remembered
Vivacious, funny, beautiful, loving,caring,affectionate, kind, thats who Destinee was. Anything she set her mind to she achieved above and beyond. She was so smart. She was a straight A student & so artistic. she had a lot to offer