Ashley Jordan Stachelek
What Ashley was like
My dtr 22 years old college graduate beautiful person never judge accepting of everyone sensitive kind loving selfless giving infectious laugh & smile always on an adventure she made the world a better place to be in.Just a beautiful & old soul
Fondest memories of Ashley
Sitting on the couch watching a movie we've seen a million times quoting every line and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt better yet when we miss a line in the movie that we've seen a million times and it's hysterical and we rewind it we just laugh and laugh and laugh nobody made me laugh like she did
How Ashley will be missed
Everything the love she radiated the way she cared so deeply about people and animals laughing with her like we were the only two people in the world at that moment
How Ashley will be remembered
She would love to be remembered as a good person a decent & caring person a loving daughter sister friend niece granddaughter how she entertained everybody all the time how she made everybody laugh always upbeat and positive kind of person you want to be around all day cuz they make you feel so lifted and good. The most generous heart I've ever seen on a child a good soul an old soul