Scot Duffy Baker
My son Scot could light up a room with his smile. He was the funniest, kindest, most caring guy around. Until substance use hijacked his life. He struggled for years. The five months before he passed he was sober. We had our beautiful son and brother back. Why he chose to pick up we will never know. What I do know is I am forever grateful for my boy and the years we had together. Because of Scot we started S.O.A.R.S. Substance Overdose Awareness Recovery Services. We hold weekly grief support for the far too many loved ones left behind. We hold an annual SCOTTY B OVERDOSE AWARENESS DAY. Because if Scot were here today, I believe he would be standing beside us helping those still struggling and their families. I know that through the loss of Scot I have found my purpose in life. My hope is to spend the rest of my life being the kind, compassionate, caring person that my son Scot Baker was. Until we meet again, I will honor my beautiful boy.