Nathen Stephen Strack
My son was so intelligent and such a sport enthusiast. His favorite teams were the Rangers (Hockey) and Raiders (Football).
He was a passionate man and felt things deeply (empathy). He was a very kind guy who always felt other people’s hurts 😞. Although, he said he didn’t feel connected.
He had many hurts and struggles and had a soul sickness, but as he said, “His addiction didn’t define him.”
He was a very proud father of five children And at 36 years old he left this world on December 1st, 2019. He left behind five children-twins (boy and girl-10 years old), a 7 year-old girl, a five-year old girl, and a four year old girl. He loved to spend time teaching them about things and instilling values in them and laughing with them. He was soooo proud of them!! He always would tell me how smart and beautiful they were.
He had a Beautiful heart ❤️ And had faith in our Lord especially the last several months, his faith increased. He accepted Jesus into his life this past June ✝️❤️🙏🏻!
I tried for years to save him. I prayed and prayed and had many people who prayed ceaselessly for him. I begged, threatened, detached, enabled, cried, told him off, told him I was sorry, and then would repeat the whole process again and again. He went to a few rehabs-30 day stays but it wasn’t long enough.
These rehabs need to be longer with better trained counselors and more intense programs including Christianity as the center. Addiction has to be taken more seriously. It’s a mental Illness and needs to be identified as such.
It’s killing our children in large amounts and little is being done to stop this monster. These drugs are EVIL INCARNATE and it is among us as evil does-insidious, cunning, and baffling. It takes their souls before they even realize it. It whispers into their ears, “Come into my place of feeling good, I’ll take your pain away”, but in actuality just like EVIL 👿, it lies to them, makes them trust it, and then slowly and methodically, takes their mind, body, and spirit away until they become unidentifiable to the ones that know and love them.
Even in our society, people start to get numb to hearing about it and make generalized statements on how it is killing so many. The police and rescue workers become hardened and almost desensitized to it just to be able to handle what they have seen again and again. It steals part of their souls 💔 as they give of themselves to save as many of them as they can. They try again and again. Some survive but eventually it has become commonplace and called “an epidemic" but little changes and more and more die. To me, I see the story of the Revelations...right before our very eyes.