Jack Sherman McMahon
How can simple words describe sorrow? With the passing of each day, our anguish may ease ever so slightly but the magnitude is such that we may never truly be at peace. A peak to high, a cloud too wispy and an ocean too deep.
However, our marriage was strong, now stronger; our family was tight, now tighter; our friends and our entire families were always there, are now here.
We see and sense Jack each day in different ways. A blue jay, a cool breeze, a stranger's laugh in the street, a fond memory or just an invisible touch. We wholeheartedly believe that Jack is in Heaven and his eternity is now a mission of a guardian for his family and friends, as he would here, offering encouragement, acts of kindness, perseverance, strength and courage. All with his wonderful laugh, voice of sympathy, an amazing wit and charming smile...This is how we see our dearest Jack... in our heart, our soul and our memory, forever.
We thank Shatterproof for all it has done and will do. The messaging is incredible and vitally important. We are now a part of this family. It is our most sincere wish that even the smallest of benefit from Jack’s memorial will offer a sliver of comfort and solace to someone in need.
Jim and Joan McMahon