Eric S Smock
Eric was a great hearted person who loved the blackhawks hockey and his family and girlfriend very much. Eric got started on pain pills that turned in to years of addiction that put him on the road to heroin. We as a family stood up and talked him into rehab and he was ready for a new beginning. He came back and was doing great. Then, a month out, he relapsed and overdosed several times. We always feared the phone call, and that call came 06/18/2018--the worst phone call ever. He was gone. Along with his father and I, Eric has an older sister and younger sister, and two younger brothers that will all carry this struggle out to help other families and friends with addiction. We as a family stand up and fight to end the heroin epidemic! We stand behind the DEA and drug task force and everyone involved to help put an end to this.
Love always your family.