Adam Webster Haines
We lost our son and brother, our precious boy, to the horror of substance use disorder. He was 28. He struggled for more than half of his life with anxiety, trying to feel "normal." He, and we, did everything we could - all the programs, all the rehabs, all the love....all the love. He knew he was loved and he loved us. At least we have that.
He was an energetic, adventurous spirit and a graceful athlete on any kind of board - snow, skate, surf. Our Adam was so smart, so handsome, so creative, and he could be just hilarious. Ad had an eye for aesthetics and beauty and used that in all his jobs. He was the hardest worker and just wanted to succeed - he wanted to feel good about himself, he wanted us to be proud. We were always proud, Addie. We are forever proud of you and love you endlessly. We miss you beyond belief.
There will be a celebration of Adam's life at our home, 12-4 PM, on October 19, 2019. All who cared about him are welcome to attend. Also in honor of Adam and all those struggling, feel free to make a contribution to Shatterproof, an organization to dismiss the stigma of addiction, in Adam's name. The link is below. Love to all.