Tammy Halland
Tammy was very intelligent, getting straight A's through High School and College. Being her sister was always fun because she could sing, write, loved reading, and though she wasn't very demonstrative, she would show her love by acts of kindness often. She stayed with me when my husband and I had our first baby and helped out tremendously. I will never forget when I went into labor, she through her arms around me and kissed me - something so unlike her, but meant so much to me. Later in life, she had two children of her own, and I enjoyed watching her be an even better mother than I was. As an older sister, there is a unique relationship that forms and it becomes hard not to mother or get too nosy in a little sisters life. She always let me know if I was overprotective, and I learned to back away and let her make her own decisions. When her little boys needed shots, or appointments, or they needed to register for school, she got it all done in a very timely manner. I will never forget how raising them alone, she managed to save money to buy her first new furniture, which was a set of bunk beds for her boys. I was so proud of her. When we went to church she always had them ready for us to pick them up, and later she began to go to a church she liked and got her boys involved in any programs for them. I can't say enough about what a good responsible worker she was. Even with her boys in daycare, she would get up early to put a crockpot of food in the car in the middle of winter, get herself dressed and the boys and get them to daycare and her on to work where her co workers would enjoy her good cooking. I love and miss her terribly and holidays are hard. I also deal with guilt for not seeing red flags as time went by.