Man and woman hugging and coping with grief
Kelsey Ferrara

If you are grieving while in recovery - you are in the middle of one of life's most difficult experiences. 

Two people on a date at the beach
Kelsey Ferrara

Dating is thrilling and exciting – but it can get complicated when you’re trying to maintain your sobriety.

Two women embracing
Shatterproof Editorial Team

Commonly known as a relapse, a recurrence of substance use disorder symptoms isn't a sign of failure. Here's what experts say about supporting someone through the experience.

Holly on a paddleboard in the ocean
Holly Jespersen

Self-care makes me a better version of myself.

The author with friends on a beach
Holly Jespersen

I used to try to be everything to everyone. But in recovery, I've learned how to have deeper, more meaningful friendships.

A close up on a group of people holding hands
Allie Weiser, PsyD, MS, National Alliance for Eating Disorders

25% of individuals with binge eating disorder also have a coexisting substance use disorder.

Ashley Miller and wife
Riley Miller

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we sat down with Riley Miller to discuss co-occurring disorders. 

Holly at the beach
Holly Jespersen

My journey through eating disorders and addiction.

In Lieu Of Flowers
Maritza Hiciano

After talking to grieving families, we've made it easier for loved ones to give a donation in lieu of flowers. 

overdose crisis
Kelsey Ferrara

Opioids have played a role in the overdose crisis, but the problem runs much deeper than the drugs themselves. 

Senior Golfer in Florida
Shatterproof Editorial Team

For those dealing with chronic knee pain, summer can come with a sense of dread

hepatitis day
Kelsey Ferrara

Every year on July 28th, people around the world observe World Hepatitis Day, a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about the virus and its impact. 

Woman getting tattooed
Kelsey Ferrara

This National Tattoo Day, we’re embracing the creativity of tattoo artists and acknowledging the personal stories behind each inked masterpiece. 

4 bipoc women facing away from the camera
Maritza Hiciano

It’s National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and I can’t stop thinking about how taboo mental health is in some of our communities.

Man looking at sunset
Bruce Schutter

Emotions are what give each day meaning, but they play an even bigger role in our lives. 

Women in a support group

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