My Favorite Confidante: Why Having A Sounding Board Matters

The Golden Girls were right: Having someone in your life who’s both a pal and a confidante is something worth singing about. From professional therapists to close friends, we all need trustworthy folks in our lives who help us wade through tough times and hard feelings. Through honest dialogue, our confidants help us better understand our emotions and see ourselves more clearly. They make all the heavy stuff feel just a little bit lighter.

Who’s your favorite confidant? Below, five Shatterproof staffers talk about theirs.

Two women on a swing set

Therapy is where I can be challenged and nurtured at the same time.

My therapist is amazing. In addition to not passing judgments and treating me with the utmost empathy and respect, I feel like I have a personal cheerleader by my side. 

- Maritza H.


I’m so lucky to have a circle of people in my life who can help me navigate some of life’s most difficult and confusing moments.

One friend in particular has taught me so much about the importance of active listening, and not discounting or brushing off any of my feelings. She makes me feel valid in my concerns, asks the best questions that help me get to the root of my issues, and directs me to my own solutions. We’ve gotten to a place of having weekly check-in calls to talk about some ongoing issues that each of us is facing (me, concerns with aging parents; her, challenges with a work relationship), and it’s been a great way to make sure we’re each staying on track. We celebrate the little wins, and redirecting when we need to change course. I know that she has made me better in so many ways in all my relationships because I know how precious it is to feel that kind of support from another person.

- Susan W.


I had some big-time work/life balance issues, so I started seeing a therapist.

He was amazing at helping me figure out how to balance my life. He explained life like a pie with six pieces that you should try to keep equal – family, friends, field (career), fitness, fun, and faith. Then he had me create three short term goals for each of those categories and three long term goals. It made a huge difference and has helped me keep that balance and reconnect with so many things I pushed away because of work.

- Kirsten S.


When my friend Sarabeth and I get together, we normally laugh until we cry. But she's also there during the hard times.

She listens without trying to fix anything and she connects with the emotions I'm feeling, even if she hasn't been in the same situation. I've learned from her that no matter what someone is going through, I can be there with them in the darkness, so they know that they are not alone.

- Sarah S.


I love my therapist!

She’s tough as nails and challenges me all of the time to be the best version of myself.  Isn’t that what we are all trying to accomplish?

- Renee B.

Women in a support group

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