Happy Mother’s Day!

Alexis Cavo

These pictures reflect light and happiness after a very long time of experiencing darkness and hopelessness. My mother had me at age 20, unexpectedly and not ready to take care of child.

Mother and Daughter

She was still in her party phase which actually, never really went away and only progressed and got much worse after having a child. My mother and father met in the liquor and clubbing industry and I arrived shortly after…surprise! They separated not too long afterwards and decided to co-parent because neither of them were ready to give up their addictions…as if they had a choice.

Unfortunately, both of them were so lost in their illness of addiction that they were incapable of raising me in a consistent way so I did a lot of moving around. My relationship with my mom was a constantly clashing one in which I always felt like I had to be the adult & tell my mom when to stop partying. I felt like a burden most days and like the biggest mistake. My self worth was zero to none. But I never stopped praying for her addiction to become healed.

I lost hope many times, especially as an adult as I started to understand reality a bit more. However, one blue moon my prayers had worked! God answered them and healed my mom from her addiction. All I knew was my mom and her addiction. Nothing else. So for her to become free from the drugs and alcohol, was a miracle. I truly thought I would get a phone call one day out of the blue that my mom had died from either overdose or murdered. Thank you God!

She is now the one who leads me in my faith.

She is a best friend to me and all the times I could never trust or rely on her growing up is completely the opposite! I trust her and she is my #1 fan. I’m so grateful to have gone through the valleys with her because it makes the healing journey that much better! She makes me want to work harder, complain less, know God more, and be selfless. When all I knew was to always call her “selfish”. I didn’t know the hold addiction really had and I was always so angry that she “chose” drugs over me, as most people would say.

I’ve dedicated my life’s career to finding compassion, understanding, and helping others when it comes to mental health and substance abuse because of her. Now I get to coach others who struggle with their self-worth, substance use, or mental health issues. It was all for a bigger purpose. If you are someone who can relate, don’t stop praying. You may be the last person praying for your mother so don’t lose that little bit of hope. God answers prayers on his timing.

Thank you mom for everything you’ve been through, survived, and taught me. Thank you for all that you still have to teach me. I look forward to continuing to always hear the wisdom you have to share. Happy Mother’s Day! - Your daughter, Alexis Cavo

Woman holding a bull horn

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