Remember Me Mother's Day Song
Wed, 05/05/2021 - 14:49
Alan Camuto

Mothers and Children Belong Together

Help create a world where no one loses a child to addiction.

Remember Me.

Six months after Sally Ponzio’s son Travis died from an overdose, she had an astonishing experience while driving to meet a friend—she felt his presence in the car, in her heart. She listened, cried, laughed, and finally pulled over to write down his words on a crumpled napkin she found on the seat next to her. Travis told her in personal poetic voice how he had felt during his sickness, and how lost he lost he was before he passed. He assured her that he was okay now, that he was liberated, and that it was time for her to set herself free from the burden of worry: “Fly high, fly free, spread your wings. Remember me.”  

After returning from the trip and safekeeping the napkin in her journal, she heard her son’s voice again, persistently urging her to send the words to her musician brother, Frank. Travis wanted her to ask “Uncle Frankie” to make a song from his message. So, with the help of his frequent collaborator, songwriter and vocalist Eleanor Dubinsky, Frank transformed what was on the napkin into the lyrics of a new song, “Remember Me”. 

Sally, Frank, and Elanor have generously shared the song with Shatterproof to offer comfort and companionship to others who have lost a loved one to this tragic disease.  

With your support, Shatterproof can fight for the memory of the millions of lives that have been forever impacted by this national crisis. Please consider making a donation in honor of Sally’s son Travis. 

Add “Remember Me” to you music library on your preferred streaming platform: Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music.  

For additional information about the artists, please visit and

Teenagers at school

Protect Our Teens: Help Stop Fentanyl Overdoses as They Return to School

Together, we can raise awareness about the risks of fentanyl-laced pills, equip parents, educators, and teens with the knowledge they need to stay safe.
