FDA recommends Narcan as over the counter drug. 

Shatterproof applauds the Federal Advisory Committee and its decision to recommend that a naloxone formulation (commonly known as Narcan) be available as an over the counter drug. The FDA will still need to approve this decision. Naloxone is on the World Health Organization’s Model List of Essential Medicine and decades of research have shown it to be safe and effective at reversing overdose. Since 2012, bystanders in the U.S. have reversed more than 10,000 opioid overdoses using naloxone.

Naloxone reverses an overdose in a matter of minutes through a nasal spray or injection. It has been administered mostly by emergency responders and outreach workers. By approving a nonprescription version, it could become as easily available as aspirin. This way, students, parents/caregivers, staff, school leaders and any member of the general public can provide health and safety actions that are most important for their communities.

  • Shatterproof is a national organization focused on guiding communities, removing systemic barriers to recovery, mobilizing the country to advocate for change, and ending addiction stigma. Shatterproof has advocated for legislation and been on the forefront of improving access to this life-saving medication, including state laws and funding, since its inception. This includes:
    * Working with many states, including New York (S7194/A6395) and Nevada (AB 374 and SB 390), to ensure opioid settlement funds go toward substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services
    Shatterproof advocated for passage legislation in Florida (HB 751) and West Virginia (SB 335) to expand access to naloxone. It also worked with elected officials in Texas (HB2561)Georgia (HB 249) and Arkansas (SB339) to pass legislation focused on creating and improving Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs), as well as bringing greater access to naloxone.
  • Research published in the Lancet in 2022 showed that current availability of naloxone in many states was inadequate.  

“This is an unprecedented time when more than 100,000 people are dying every year, and we need flexible solutions to improve how the public can respond in practical ways,” said Kevin Roy, chief public policy officer of Shatterproof. “This is the culmination of many years of advocacy to improve access to this life-saving medication.”

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