Lorne Loucel

Loyal, hardworking, lively, thoughtful, supportive
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What Lorne was like

Lorne was a genuine soul, what you saw is what you got. He was witty, always ready to help and cared so deeply for the ones he loved. Our time together was cut way too short, but I’m so blessed to have had him as my partner in life.

Fondest memories of Lorne

The time he rushed home from work to help relocate a snake that was trying to move in with us, lol. I got it on video!😊

How Lorne will be missed

I can’t answer this in 500 words or less. I miss everything about him, truly. The way he looked at me, the love he provided my daughter, his laugh, his checkins with me after challenging days at work, his touch. I miss all of him.

How Lorne will be remembered

Lorne would like to be remembered as someone who loved his family, both personal and professional. Someone who took the time to listen and not just respond. His presence impacted others in a joyous way.