Linda R

Linda Reale is a resident of Washington, D.C. and has more than 20 years of operational experience. She served in the private sector working with government contracting firms in employee relations, risk management and talent acquisition.

In her capacity as Human Resources Director, Linda successfully created infrastructure for multiple HR Departments including automation and compliance. She also managed a local and international program, which placed more than 500 highly skilled individuals in technical fields. Her operations expertise was highlighted when she created a Parks and Recreation Department for a newly incorporated municipality in South Florida.

A Floridian, Linda drove change in higher education collaborating with the Florida Board of Regents, the State University System and House and Senate Higher Education Committees. Her concentration was on student fees, matriculation and tuition. Linda also has a background in transportation working with state legislatures and regulatory agencies in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. She effectively brought community-based organizations, with varying interests, together on motor carrier safety. Organizations focused on safety, health, labor and insurance helped maintain intermodal safety standards during her tenure.

Linda has proficiency is proposals, legislation, grant programs, public relations and speech writing. She has worked with trade associations, nonprofits, on two state-wide Governor’s campaigns and in the House of Representatives.

Teenagers at school

Protect Our Teens: Help Stop Fentanyl Overdoses as They Return to School

Together, we can raise awareness about the risks of fentanyl-laced pills, equip parents, educators, and teens with the knowledge they need to stay safe.
