Daniel J Brown

Father, husband, brother, son, friend
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What Daniel was like

Daniel was full of life. He was passionate towards everything. He always rooted for the “underdog”. Probably why Seattle sports was his favorite lol. He was fiercely protective of those he loved. A phenomenal father. A Journeyman Union Carpenter.

Fondest memories of Daniel

I have so very many but one of my favorites was when we were at the Seattle Seahawks Vs Cardinals game, I believe in 2016-2017. Seattle was smashing the Cardinals and Daniel just kept screaming “Hawks eat little baby Cardinals!” At the top of his lungs. Hilarious!

Also, he took me to Mexico for my 30th birthday and it was by far the most beautiful time we spent together in our 11 years. We explored, ate good food and laughed so many times during that trip.

How Daniel will be missed

Everything. Literally everything. He was the most complex person I’ve ever met but he was good, like good to his core. I’ll miss watching him with his babies. He’d look at our son (little Dan) and he’d say “look at him babe, isn’t he awesome!? He’s so awesome”. I’ll miss that mischievous little cocky grin. Him two inches from the tv screaming at the Seahawks. I’ll miss my best friend.

How Daniel will be remembered

I want people to know that he was a fighter. That he was brave, and he fought his addiction, quite literally to the death. Daniel became addicted when he was 18 years old, after an injury but he fought back at it until the day he died. His addition was merciless, but so was he in his fight. He was so much more than what meets the eye. Though there was no beauty in the addiction, there was so much beauty in the addict. Remember him as good. A social butterfly. Remember him happy.