Tomasso James Dino

Son, Grandson, Brother, Uncle, Loved One
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What Tomasso was like

My son: bright smile, infectious laugh, kind heart, and sparkling eyes that shone like the stars. His presence lit up my world, and his memory continues to guide me.

Fondest memories of Tomasso

Twenty-five years of life with my son was a treasure trove of memories - laughter and tears, adventures and quiet moments. Each day was a gift, filled with his unique sparkle and love. Though memories flood my mind, it's the everyday moments that I miss the most, and the love we shared that remains forever in my heart.

How Tomasso will be missed

I miss everything about my son - his bright smile, infectious laugh, warm hugs, and our constant texts and calls, even during my busiest workdays, when he'd make me laugh with his hilarious jokes and stories. Our hours-long conversations were my favorite part of the day. He had a way of lighting up my world, and every aspect of his presence is deeply missed, leaving a void that can never be filled.

How Tomasso will be remembered

Tomasso would want to be remembered for his kind heart, generosity, and unbreakable strength. His almost 2-year journey of sobriety was a testament to his resilience. Though his life was tragically cut short by someone's reckless and deadly deceit - lacing a drug that took his life - he would want to be remembered for how he lived, not how he died. A life where nothing could hold him down for long, & how he always rose above adversity.