Cody Levi Mcclelland

Chocolate, God’s Gift
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What Cody was like

Cody was quick witted and hard working, some thought him a jack of all trades. His heart was huge, and he bled empathy in every direction he turned. His smile was contagious, much like the warmth of his charm.

Fondest memories of Cody

Every memory I have with him is one that I cherish deeply, there was never a “bad” time in his presence. He was my “hype” man, my go to, my very best friend.

How Cody will be missed

I miss his smart remarks, and his deep belly laughter. You never think about the last time being the last… What I wouldn’t give for one more day, one more phone call or silly text message.

How Cody will be remembered

He wouldn’t want anyone to shed a tear. He simply wanted everyone to know their worth. He wanted everyone to know happiness, even on his worst days all he wanted was the people he loved to genuinely smile.