Alcohol Statistics & Tools

Alcohol Use Statistic
  • Alcohol contributed to more than 7% of emergency department visits in 2020.

  • Almost 6% of cancer cases and 4% of cancer deaths are due to alcohol use.

  • More than 7 million children ages 17 and younger live with a parent who have alcohol use disorder.

  • Deaths involving alcohol increased by 25.5% from 2019 to 2020.

  • Alcohol is the fifth highest preventable cause of death in the U.S.

  • Every year, there are more than 178,000 deaths connected to excessive alcohol use.

  • Driving under the influence accounted for 31% of America's driving fatalities in 2021.

  • 1 in every 4 people that die by suicide meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder.

  • 21% of people who died by suicide had blood alcohol levels of 0.1% or more at the time of death.

  • An estimated 4 million years of potential life is lost each year due to excessive alcohol use.

From Shatterproof

From National Institutes of Health

From Alcohol Change UK

  • Body Map: Explore what alcohol does to the body from head to toe.

  • Drinking Personality: Keep it casual by finding out what your persona is when consuming.

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