Brian Andrew Stetson
What Brian was like
He was an angel on earth. He loved helping people. Once, we passed some kids who had a lemonade stand, he turned around the block, gave the kid a 20$ and asked that he share it with his kid sister. Making other people's day, made Brian's day.
Fondest memories of Brian
My favorite memory of him is the fact that he always gave me a hard time for drinking so much Dr. pepper. He knew how dramatic I always was. He would jokingly take large sips from my Dr. Peppers in order to get a reaction out of me. A laugh out of me, always made him laugh in return. He had the sweetest most inviting smile and laugh.
How Brian will be missed
He was helpful, giving, in the most sincere way. He gave more than he could. His love was too big for this earth.
How Brian will be remembered
I would love to carry on his legacy by collecting agates, listening to his favorite songs, creating photos, stories and documents of his life. I will do anything to keep his memory alive.