Emelie Hughes Lamb
What Emelie was like
Emelie was a beautiful young woman that loved with her whole heart and gave of herself. She was so sensitive and kind to others . She was a nurse and cared so much for others, especially those in need of comfort. She reached out to friends in need .
Fondest memories of Emelie
Emelie would especially reach out to the under dogs and protected those she cared about with her whole being. She would find friends that needed her. They were often bad influences. She was lead down a destructive path in doing so many times. When Emelie was in the throws of her mental anger and pain and not living at home I went to pick her up from a friend's and she cried to me saying how sorry she was for all she had done.😢 💔.
How Emelie will be missed
Her fun and creativity side ! Emelie would make soap and crafty ornaments with her children to give as gifts for Christmas. She was such a good and loving mother to her 4 children and would do things with them outdoors in her garden. She would let her kids play in mud and get dirty. She never complained about life or any of her pregnancies. She even was willing to surrogate for her Aunt at one time. She was a natural caregiver and lover of children, pets, natural beauty around her.
How Emelie will be remembered
Emelie would like to be remembered as a very loving and caring person who did not judge others for where the lived or what their family was like. Emelie wanted people to accept and care about each other. Be a friend to one another. She didn't care about money or fancy stuff. She loved to create and repurpose things. She loved thrift stores and old stuff. She loved singing and music. Emelie specially loved her children and her brother's along with all family members ❤️