Cullen Ashford Logan
What Cullen was like
Lover of love, such a peaceful sole! Just, genius, such a good person!
Fondest memories of Cullen
His love, his music (cullenlogan.com). His passion for social justice.
How Cullen will be missed
How Cullen will be remembered
If you have read through this, I love you. If you have not, I love you.
If you are lost, I love you.
And if you are found, I love you.
May you know such love and share it with the world. I know not what distance separates me from you, but if you are reading this, can you honestly believe in such separation. Rest assured that as you read, there is a chain of molecules connecting you to me, and that my smile has set in motion a chain reaction that will last forever. Affecting every future thing in the universe. May I always have a smile, and one to loan you when you have none.
Peace, Love, and Music, Cullen Logan”