Lynne Nouvel, Vice President of Grassroots

Lynne Nouvel at RUAAA

When I have the opportunity to help one of our Ambassadors share their story – and that story enlightens someone else, changes the way addiction is viewed, or impacts critical legislation – it fills my heart with gratitude because together we are stronger than addiction.

Lynne nouvel

The Ambassador Program is a peer-to-peer volunteer network with whom I have the privilege of leading. It consists of volunteers across the country who believe in our mission and want to be a part of our lifesaving work.  We have over 3,000 people who have signed on as Shatterproof Ambassadors and they increase awareness and understanding of our work, in the places where they live.  Using Shatterproof’s research and knowledge base about addiction, treatment, and recovery, our Ambassadors are shattering stigma and driving positive change.

In all the things that we represent, Ambassadors want to help those who have suffered a loss, and people who are seeking recovery, whether that is access to medication, transparency, quality of treatment, or compassion. They are a group of selfless individuals committed to helping those whom they don't know. Shatterproof Ambassadors do a wide variety of things to drive our mission forward.

By matching Ambassador interest with opportunity, we are able to respond to community event requests, national speaking panels, media opportunities, and requests for policy testimony. Other Ambassadors are fundraisers for us, and many contribute their own treasure. They share what they know through our blog site as well.  This program is powerful and so important because it helps people connect and understand the impact addiction has on the family or the person who is sharing. With this in mind, our work becomes very relatable.

Before joining the Shatterproof team, I was someone who knew of addiction and even saw it up close. But I did not know that addiction was a disease. Shatterproof taught me that. Once we have that understanding, however, we have to do everything we can to rewrite the narrative and ensure that every person impacted is treated with dignity, respect, and compassion – along with treatment options.

When I have the opportunity to help one of our Ambassadors share their story – and that story enlightens someone else, changes the way addiction is viewed, or impacts critical legislation – it fills my heart with gratitude because together we are stronger than addiction.

Many of our Shatterproof Ambassadors are in recovery themselves. In most cases, they’re doing the daily work of maintaining recovery, re-bonding with friends and family, and working hard at their jobs.  Hearing about their illness’s depths can sometimes bring tears to my eyes. But I am moved beyond words when I see them advocating for people they’ve never met.

The hardest days are the ones when an Ambassador tells me they’ve lost a loved one to the disease of addiction, or to a substance they were unaware they’d consumed, like fentanyl. Those stories are wrought with pain, fear, anger, and deep sadness. Then, when that same Ambassador raises their hand to help our cause – I feel the most amazing sense of admiration and thankfulness.

With regard to program goals, we are thrilled that we have an Ambassador in every state, which assures us that if we encounter a state opportunity, we have a trusted volunteer to turn to. Growing the program is something that we always strive to do, so please read more about our program and reach out if you are interested. I hope you’ll consider joining us!

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