DreSean Josiah Anthony
What DreSean was like
Dre was hilarious. He kept everyone laughing no matter how he was feeling inside. His daughters were his heart. He loved them more than words can explain. He wanted everyone to be happy and turnt up all the time.
How DreSean will be missed
His laugh, his smile, HIM! He had an infectious laugh and an amazing smile. His brilliant mind. His demeanor and personality. I miss everything about him. He was always dancing or rapping. He always wanted to have fun and joke. He loved pranking whoever was in the line of fire. The way he could make something out of nothing. He had so many talents and could do anything he tried to do. His capabilities were endless.
How DreSean will be remembered
As "That Guy". That guy that would make you laugh uncontrollably. That guy who would stay up all night helping you with your homework because you had an exam the next day. That guy who could build anything. That guy who loved his family. That guy that made my world brighter and touched the hearts of everyone he came in contact with. He was "That Guy".