Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

What is a donor advised fund (DAF)?

A DAF is an account with a public charity that allows donors to establish a fund from which they can recommend grants to qualified charities. You have the flexibility to increase your donor advised funds over time, make your gift anonymously, or choose how often a charity receives a grant from your fund. You receive an immediate tax deduction when you open a DAF.

Can I choose how my DAF grant is used?

Most DAF grants are unrestricted and applied where the need is greatest. However, at the discretion of the DAF, you can make a request to direct your funds to a specific area of our work. We would love to connect with you to discuss how your grant can help to create a lifesaving, system-changing impact for people suffering from the addiction crisis. To find out how to make a donation, email Donor Relations at or call 475-755-9311.

Stocks and Securities

Shatterproof accepts gifts of appreciated stock, bonds or other marketable securities. To make a transfer, email Donor Relations at or call 475-755-9311.

Teenagers at school

Protect Our Teens: Help Stop Fentanyl Overdoses as They Return to School

Together, we can raise awareness about the risks of fentanyl-laced pills, equip parents, educators, and teens with the knowledge they need to stay safe.
