Ending Addiction Stigma

2019 5K NYC - Shatter Stigma

"The biggest killer out there is stigma." 

That’s what former Surgeon General Jerome Adams said about America’s addiction crisis. Shame, judgment, and unfair stereotypes are at the root of so much suffering, keeping people with substance use disorders from seeking and receiving the treatment they need.

That’s why Shatterproof is coordinating a nationwide effort to find partners and combine resources to end stigma.

It’s a big project with lots of moving parts. There are a few concrete ways that you can get involved:

  1. Change your language. Words matter — learn how to make yours helpful rather than hurtful.
  2. Take the pledge. Resolve to talk about addiction like the treatable illness it is, without stereotypes or judgment.
  3. Get resources. Learn how your workplace or organization can get involved in this movement by emailing endstigma@shatterproof.org
Women in a support group

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