Learn about being a Shatterproof Ambassador

What does an Ambassador do?
As an Ambassador, you can get involved in the ways that best match your interests and time: 

  • Introduce Shatterproof to your network of friends, family, colleagues, and community
  • Volunteer at Shatterproof events or on committees
  • Organize information sessions in your community or online
  • Assist in Shatterproof fundraising efforts
  • Share your story in the news, on social media, in forums and panels, and on blogs
  • Assist with Shatterproof state and federal advocacy efforts
  • Be an "Ambassador in Action" by sending in photos and videos
  • Promote Shatterproof’s Just Five program with your employer and/or other employers
  • Bring access to quality treatment data to your friends, family and community by promoting our one-of-a-kind quality treatment locator, ATLAS
  • Shatter stigma in your state by getting involved in our National Stigma Initiative

Who can serve as an Ambassador?
Anyone who believes in the Shatterproof mission and is passionate about educating others about the addiction epidemic can apply to be an Ambassador. Candidates may include those in recovery, family members who have been affected by addiction, and passionate individuals who want to make an impact in their communities. Ambassadors are expected to have a fluid understanding of the organization’s mission, vision, and strategy these through regular interaction in Ambassador meetings and the private Facebook group. They should be able to persuasively articulate these elements to encourage more people to join the Shatterproof movement. Many Ambassadors share their personal connection to the cause as well. 

Why serve as an Ambassador?
Being Ambassador is a rewarding experience for anyone inspired by our mission to reverse the addiction crisis in the US. 

What are the benefits of being an Ambassador?
Benefits to joining the Shatterproof Ambassador community include:

  • Becoming a part of a supportive, united, hopeful, and mission-driven community
  • Access to helpful resources and Shatterproof staff support
  • Influencing live-saving legislation by advocating for state and federal policies
  • Sharing your experience and influence to inform and promote Shatterproof programming
  • Engagement with like-minded individuals within your state or region
  • Learning opportunities and professional development
  • The ability to suggest your own ideas – how you might like to reach your community through speaking engagements, media opportunities, or events
  • Invitations to present at local speaking engagements including panels, keynotes, and events
  • Networking with other Ambassadors, Shatterproof staff members, experts in the addiction/recovery community, and everyday people who have been impacted by substance use disorder

What kind of assignments are Ambassadors asked to complete?
Ambassadors may be asked to:

  • Speak or give presentations in person or virtually 
  • Provide testimony to help with state and national advocacy efforts 
  • Share your story on video or with the press 
  • Complement Shatterproof messaging by sharing stories for content on our website, blog, or emails 
  • Volunteer at Shatterproof events 
  • Assist in Shatterproof fundraising efforts 
  • Identify opportunities for Shatterproof to be recognized within your community
  • Engage in social media to advance and promote our mission
  • Participate in a focus group, or on a committee
  • Join forces with other Ambassadors to raise awareness of Shatterproof programs and invite others to join the movement

Shatterproof provides the resources and tools needed to ensure success such as Ambassador toolkits, connections to one another and staff support during monthly meetings and beyond. It is our hope that Ambassadors stay well informed of Shatterproof’s progress by being involved in calls and on the private Facebook page. 

What kind of commitment does the Ambassadors Program require?
Ambassadors can dedicate as much or as little time as they are able. Ambassadors may find there are several requests to get involved over a short period, while at other times there may be lulls without many requests. Ambassadors are asked to consider the organizational needs and how their personal interests and networks may align to those needs. Being able to identify opportunities within your community or social media network is an asset.

Become an Ambassador
Women in a support group

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Your support drives real change for individuals and families affected by addiction.
