Michael “Mikey” Emile Wofford

Mikey was the People's Champ
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What Mikey was like

All it took was one moment of breathing the same air to fall in love with Mikey.  His mere presence touched others in a way that was extraordinary; it was as if he knew how to comfort your heart without you ever revealing why it was unsettled in the first place. You laughed, you marveled, you shook your head, and then you wanted more!  He was the purest source of light, that emanated from a spirit who found true joy in being a real friend, without expecting anything in return.   

Fondest memories of Mikey

For most of us, it was being on the receiving end of that infectious smile that gave him the ability to light up a room and warm your heart, and if you were on the receiving end of his "I love you more" goodbye, you knew you were blessed.  

How Mikey will be missed

Because he offered himself so honestly, his spirit indiscriminately reached unsuspecting people, regardless of their walk of life.  He shined during those random interactions, they were his muse/thing...there are now some vacant corners in the hearts of '25 years’ worth of fellow travelers, beneficiaries of his accepting, loving light.  For this truly incalculable segment of the population, we are left with memories of a gifted kid, whose invocation manages yet to still bear its trademark fruit -  joy, incredulity, laughs, hope... we remain still yearning for more. 

For those, even the luckier ones who got to ALSO know Mikey, the man - confidante, inspiration, partner - there is no substitute.  No replacement for the role he selflessly embraced in our lives.  There is only the consolation that he is now being rewarded for his unconditional service and love to us with eternal peace.

How Mikey will be remembered

Mikey would like to be remembered as someone who loved without condition and tried every day to share that love with his family, friends, and strangers. 

We are deeply touched by the outpouring of love and overwhelming support of family and friends.  Gifts made in loving memory of Mikey have enabled a donation of $90,997.6 to Shatterproof. We know for certain that each of your gifts will impact the lifesaving work and programs of Shatterproof - ultimately reversing the addiction crisis that we each know all too well.