Nicole Frances Doyle
What Nicole was like
Nicole was always a funny child. She made us laugh.She drank and smoked pot as a teenager.It wasnt till she had to take pain killers, because she had lymes disease, did the problem begin.She got hooked on pills and drank. She passed from cirrhosis.
Fondest memories of Nicole
She was the most caring and thoughtful person I ever met.She always gave great gifts.She always worried about me.She was dying in the hospital and all she cared about was how I was.Was I comfortable,Did I eat?She would order food for me. She told me how sorry she was when she was dying.I spent her last 6 weeks by her side in the hospital.I wouldnt of been anywhere else.When her addictions took over,she cut us out.But I was the first person she called when she got sick.Thank God we made amends💖
How Nicole will be missed
I miss all of our talks, which were so many through the years I miss her making me laugh. I miss how she was such a good mother to my grandson Ethan. She tried so hard to keep him, but I had to take him because he wasnt safe with her anymore. They didnt talk for a long time, but when Ethan showed up at the hospital, her eyes lit up like a Christmad tree. They hugged. He has forgiven her. It took some time, but he is almost 20 now and is a very caring young man, just like his mom.
How Nicole will be remembered
She would want to be remembered for her caring nature, her funny personality, and for her love of Ethan. She was going to college to be a social worker. She worked with many people affected by 9-11. We lived in NY. She helped so many people get through there ptsd, depression and anxiety. She was the best daughter I could of ever asked for. She recommited her life to Jesus before she died, so I know I will see her when I die. What glory that day will be.