Michael Francis Rinaldo III
What Michael was like
Michael embodies true love for family. Though he struggled with addiction he never forgot to tell anyone he loved them and what they meant to him. When he smiled it was like seeing a light shine from within him. Our world is much darker without him.
Fondest memories of Michael
His laugh. He didn’t have a loud laugh. It was more the sound that came from his throat that I remember and miss. He’d give us this half crooked smile and make this sound, and you knew he was being a brat and was happy. The last my time I heard it he was pulling a grey hair from my head and laughing at the fact he found it.
How Michael will be missed
There isn’t anything I don’t miss. His smile, his scent, the way he’d say “can you make me coffee, mama?” I miss the lisp in his speech and mostly I miss his hands. He had such beautiful hands.
How Michael will be remembered
He’d only want to know that he was loved.