Marvin David Kline
My sister Paula got pregnant at age 14. I got the honor of being Marvin's Aunt Jody. Ge was my nephew, my brother and my friend. I am only a few years older than him.
Marvin developed a habit with heroin after many injuries to his back, and of course the drug dealer that got him hooked was a doctor. Then, of course, he stopped giving him pain meds and Marv turned to heroin to relieve his pain, and just like so many just couldn't get back the life he once had and we lost him. He was and always will be one of the best people who I have had the honor of loving and knowing, and let me tell you that smile was contagious. Ge was such a smartass, great sense of humor. He will be missed and loved for eternity.
I know how big that demon is, and these people need to know they are loved no matter what, as far as I know, God is never hiring, so it's not your job to judge. They are fighting this demon alone and when they feel so alone the demon takes them. So just make sure they know you love them whether addicted or the president. Because when it's so hard and it seems impossible to get their life back, they give up, and we never see their beautiful faces again. Nobody is better than each other so just love and support them they need you I promise it will make a difference. Please, before its too late. God Bless, now go put your arms around your loved one before you can't like me.