Sean Fereyle Moore
My brother struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for 25 years. I chased him all over the country trying to help him break the cycle, clean up the messes he made, and keep him alive. He was the most intelligent person I ever met. He was fun and ingenious. He was my first best friend. After many months in the hospital from a near fatal alcohol and drug overdose, he managed to make 90 days sober. He relapsed late fall 2016. On January 3 of 2017, he had a weak moment from the sheer exhaustion of dealing with addiction and took his own life in front of my parents and I. The only justification I can make out of the whole situation is he died in my arms and not some filthy alley somewhere. My heart aches for him everyday. He used to quiet the demons in his head. He had struggled with mental illness since we were children. There’s a void where a once vibrant man stood. It will forever be open. I will never forget you Sean. My love for you runs deeper then the deepest seas. I will always have your back, until the day I take my last breath. I will also never forget your laugh. As much as the sounds from the night we lost you ring through my head, so does your laugh....