Adam Joseph Roll
Adam was a beautiful soul, who loved animals and adored his son. I met my son when he was three. I fell in love with him right then and there. He always had addiction problems, and alcohol was his drug of choice. My wild child, with a heart of gold. He became addicted to opioids when he had surgery. Then he hurt his back, was given more opioids and he was using heroin to supplement the prescriptions. When he moved to Florida from Illinois, they were giving him 120 30mg oxycontin a month. That is when the hook went in deep. He was getting into trouble, making really good money and spending it all on drugs. He refused help. I know this drug is killing people and taking our children at an alarming rate. He was so stigmatized because of the way he died. I really deplore stigma. It reduces a human being down to an adverb. His death cannot be in vain and the stigma that goes with addiction must stop. These are humans and they are just like you. I live rurally and the talk was cheap and bad. I will do all I am able to help this cause. I have always been an activist. I was born this way. This is the most horrible thing that can happen to a mother. I am already bleeding and you say he was nothing but a what?