DEREK was pure joy! He had many, many friends. His dad died in 2009, DEREK took it real bad. He was 17. He smoked pot from 14. Started percs at 18-19 got hurt at wrk. Friend gave him some for pain. That was the start of the opioids. They get too expensive, started heroin at 20. Used for a year then quit for 1 1/2 yrs. Got more depressed about life & his DAD. Starts using again. I had no clue at all!! When I found out I sent him to rehab immed. 6-7 rehabs, nothing worked. Finally he got a great job and in March 2015 he got clean. Was on probation for 6 mos for job. July 2015, car accident, broken collar bone, didn’t take any pain meds. Out of wrk for 8 wks. Started heroin again. Nov 2015 sent to rehab in Cali. Doing great. Came home end of FEB 2016 for a court date I couldn’t cancel. Started using when got home from Cali. Died 1 wk after he got home. Sober house in Cali kicked him out because he failed a pee test. I had Insurance but they said something didn’t go thru. THAT WAS WHEN MY WORLD, LIFE ENDED.