Ashley Marie Petrie
Ashley was my only daughter and only child. When she was 18 she met the person whom I referred to as Satan himself. He beat her physically and emotionally, he manipulated and lied to her and that is why she is no longer with her family, which includes her daughter and I. She was doing well, clean for 5 years, then he once again got the best of her and on October 6, 2018, I received the phone call that changed mine and her daughter's lives forever. When I look at her baby pictures and pictures of her and I, I think to myself...."did I actually have a daughter??" I have a huge emptiness that is indescribable but then when I look over at my granddaughter I know that she did exist because I now have her, the best part of her. My daughter was smart, beautiful, however suffered from mental illness, Social Anxiety and Severe Bi-Polar Disorder. We would talk about what was going on and how she was feeling (suffering), however she ended up not taking my advice. I know that there was not anything that I could have done to change things, because I did everything possible, however I wish that she would have never met him. The night before she passed away we had a good one. We celebrated her dog, now my dog, Ruby's 1st Birthday with cupcakes and dinner at her home. My granddaughter and granddog came home with me because she had somewhere to go. I would have never had thought it would be the last, kiss...hug... or I Love You between us, but I am grateful that it happened. I guess that's really all I have to say for now besides I continue to Love Her, Miss Her every single day but one thing I also know is that her struggle is over and so is my worry because I know that her and her daughter are both safe.