Christian Steven Beach
Saying goodbye to my son is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do. Chris struggled with addiction and depression for more years than not. He was gifted with so much intelligence and wit and compassion. With every new start, his deepest desire was to maintain sobriety so he could reconnect with everyone he loved, and he loved his family fiercely. He reveled in bringing a smile to everyone's face, be it family, friends, or others. He used his incredible gift of humor to cover some of his darkest days, from himself and others. I've lost count of the times that treatment and rehab were completed in a system that was not prepared to deal adequately with addiction. Paths taken and opportunities lost, he fought repeatedly to overcome but could not achieve the freedom from the disease of addiction and depression that he craved so much. My deepest sorrow is for HIS loss, a profound sadness that his life was so difficult these past few years, when consequences and complications left him in constant emotional and physical pain, inconsolable and defeated. He will be in ours hearts and thoughts always.