Shatterproof Ambassador Amy Small
Amy Small

Twenty-five years ago, I was eight months pregnant with my first baby girl. Not quite a mother, but my protruding belly was proof that in just a few weeks I would qualify for that title

Shatterproof Ambassador Patti Vargas and her sons
Pattie Vargas

Here's to all the moms out there … those who have had the storybook Motherhood experience and those of us who have not, and the millions of us who fall anywhere on the continuum.

Ben Affleck as Jack, wearing a shirt and tie, talking to a group of young basketball players

The film offers a realistic, empathetic view of a family dealing with addiction.

A concert goer, with brown hair and a yellow cardigan, hods a sign that reads "stigma is the #1 reason people struggling with SUD do not seek treatement."

Shatterproof will be at all of the band's North American tour dates, offering community and addiction-related resources to concertgoers.

The author's baseball hat, which reads "Gulf War Veteran"
William Bradley

A Veteran and Ambassador Tells His Story

Lena Camilletti

One Family's Story

Photograph of Hope Stems art installation, a large brain sculpture made of flowers

This week, Shatterproof launched a public awareness campaign presenting a new way to undo stigma. 


We asked two supporters who’ve recently launched successful fundraising campaigns for Shatterproof to share their advice. Read on to get inspired! 

The author with her sister
Edie Magnus

Before long, she was drinking bottles of cough syrup a day. She gained more than 50 pounds. She began to lose her hair. And it spiraled down from there.

Gary Mendell testifying at the House Energy & Commerce Committee

Yesterday on the Hill, heartbreaking stories like Brian's put a human face on the opioid epidemic.

Rick Werner and James
Rick Werner

We lost James to an overdose a little over a year ago. Now, we're focused on helping others.

Women in a support group

Help Revolutionize Addiction Treatment

Your support drives real change for individuals and families affected by addiction.
