Sharing Shatterproof's Story at the House Energy & Commerce Committee

Washington Monument

Today, the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee will host a roundtable discussion focused on personal stories from the opioid crisis—and Shatterproof will be there to make your voices heard.

The subcommittee has been incredibly active over the past few months, holding three legislative hearings and reviewing dozens of bills to tackle the opioid epidemic. This timely conversation comes after last week’s hearing on how Medicare and Medicaid can address coverage concerns for patients suffering from substance use disorders.
During today’s discussion, we'll lend our insights and offer recommendations that will start meaningfully reducing the number of overdose deaths—in the near-term as well as into the future. Being able to build on continual dialogue, with hearings and panels like today's, brings us closer to addressing the epidemic with a common-sense approach that can save lives.

Shatterproof’s Gary Mendell will be joined by seven other activists and family members who have all been directly affected by the opioid epidemic. We're looking forward to exchanging ideas and personal stories of the human impact of opioid addiction. It’s up to us to represent the urgency of this crisis and call for immediate action.
Tune in this morning to watch Gary and others live at 10:30 am!

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